User Poll

SharePoint web part for great looking user polls
The User Poll allows you to publish simple polls for users in your organization. The results can be displayed as a pie chart or bar chart.

Product features

Intuitive and easy-to-use

No coding, CSS or HTML skills needed.

Single choice or multiple choice question

Allow users to select multiple options or only a single one.

Modern site compatibility

The web part is developed as a SPFx component which means it's compatible with the modern sites (i.e. Communication and Modern Team sites).


Wide range of settings: themes, poll opening time, poll closing time, hide results, colors, custom styling, etc.


The User Poll is hosted on your SharePoint environment and no data is shared are sent to our servers or shared with third parties.

Multilingual support

Our User Poll comes with a translation file which means all labels and messages can be updated to any language. Doesn't matter what language you speak.


Buy license

Regular license 399

  • Perpetual license. No renewal needed.
  • Includes all future updates
  • It allows you to use the product within a single SharePoint web application (multiple site collections as long as they have the same domain name).
  • Doesn't include customization or installation
Price is in US dollars.


Download a full version of the User Poll and try it for free. No credit card required.
Current version:
The current version is compatible with SharePoint Online (both Classic and Modern pages) and the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari. The Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

For other SharePoint versions (2016 & 2019), please email us at